Charles Vernon W. Rolfe

Kinburn, Ontario

A Veteran of the Korean War with a career in the Navy spanning more than 37 years, Mr. Rolfe was instrumental in uniting retired Naval Aviators to form a Chapter of the Canadian Naval Air Group. Mr. Rolfe further encouraged Veteran Naval Divers of Ontario and Quebec to form Chapters of The Canadian Naval Divers Association in their respective provinces and successfully convinced four Western Provinces to form a Western Chapter. In addition to serving in all executive positions at the Canadian Naval Air Group, Mr. Rolfe drafted the association's official Constitution and conducted the national office's business for several years. He also produced, edited and distributed the Quarterly Newsletter for The Canadian Naval Divers Association. Mr. Rolfe has devoted 15 years to research and locating lost documents pertaining to the last Canadian awarded the Victoria Cross, Lt. Pilot Robert Hampton Gray.

.Mr. Rolfe sits on the National Council of Veterans Organizations where he has been representing the two Naval Veterans fraternal organizations. His exemplary leadership on behalf of Naval Veterans and his contribution to the commemoration of their achievements and sacrifice has been invaluable, and demonstrates his remarkable ability to be an effective advocate of Veterans' causes.