Chief Petty Officer, 1st Class (Retired) James Leo Cummings CD

Chief Petty Officer (Retired) James Leo Cumming is a 26 years Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. He is nominated for his service with the Atlantic Chief and Petty Officers’ Association and the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building.

He spent ten years serving as the Chairman of the Sick and Visiting Committee with the Atlantic Chief and Petty Officers’ Association. In this position, he set a policy that required weekly visits to Veterans in the Veterans Care Unit and in their homes. He also takes Veterans for weekly outings to lunches and other local activities. In these endeavours, his high standards of care were admired and duplicated by other local Veterans associations.

With the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building, CPO Cummings has also been involved with supporting the chapel service, building-wide events and commemorative ceremonies. Most recently, with his dog Stoker, they have become certified with the St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog Program.