Clarence Harquail

Dalhousie, New Brunswick

Mr. Harquail is a Veteran of the Canadian Militia and current Vice-President of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Branch 17. His devoted and multi-faceted involvement with the RCL includes performing home repairs, when needed, as part of the House Committee; operating snow removal equipment during the winter months; serving with the Colour Party; and assisting at Branch Veterans’ funerals. Mr. Harquail has been an active member of the Poppy Committee, organizing the annual Poppy Campaign and the sale of wreaths for the benefit of the families of deceased Veterans. He has also been visiting Veterans in the Veterans’ hospital wing in Campbellton, New Brunswick, for years. His robust involvement and tireless commitment have been credited in sustaining the active and vital role of RCL Branch 17 in contributing to the community. In honour and recognition of his dedication and commitment on behalf of Veterans, Mr. Harquail was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal by the RCL New Brunswick Command.