Col (ret'd) G. R. J. (Gil) Bellavance CD

Battleford, Saskatchewan

A Veteran who served on numerous peacekeeping missions around the world, Colonel Bellavance has been actively involved with military and Veterans' causes since his retirement in the mid 1980's. In 1989, Colonel Bellavance re-established the Saskatchewan Branch of the Last Post Fund, providing needy Veterans with a proper burial. Colonel Bellavance is the past National President. Colonel Bellavance is an active member of the Saskatchewan Provincial Board where he continues to enhance the scope and reach of the fund. He is active in local commemorative activities and is credited for providing dignified grave markers for numerous, previously unmarked Veterans' graves as well as for drawing attention to the Commemorative needs of Veterans. Colonel Bellavance is the provincial President of the Army Cadet League in Saskatchewan. He is committed to developing the character and national pride of Canada's youth through his work in the army cadets, and provides guidance to young reserve personnel through his duties as Honorary Colonel in the militia. Colonel Bellavance is recognized both by his peers and citizens in the community for being a credible and powerful voice on behalf of Canada's Veterans.