David Wells

Corner Brook, Newfoundland & Labrador

Mr. Wells is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. He is a member of his local Royal Canadian Legion branch. In 2006 and 2007, his branch ran into extreme financial and operational problems. Recognizing that this situation needed to be fixed, he became a member of the executive and later became branch president. Mr. Wells worked diligently to correct the endemic problems of the branch, and he effectively led a team to fix the branch’s issues. He served as President for four years and was able to steer the branch back to its roots of caring for Veterans and their families and enhance the branch’s remembrance aspects. Mr. Wells has placed a greater emphasis on the Poppy Fund, which in turn has provided more funds for Veterans’ programs. He also became involved in the “Forget Me Not” project and he encouraged branch participation in school visits. Mr. Wells is very actively engaged with assisting Veterans to apply for benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada, and he has become a recognized advocate for Veterans in Newfoundland.