Denis Beaudin

Mr. Beaudin is a Canadian Forces Veteran who served from 1977 to 1992. In 2008, he, along with two other members, founded the group called Veterans UN-NATO. They have a blog which includes regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events and other material such as graphics or video. Mr. Beaudin maintains this blog, which was created to allow members to stay in contact, share stories and never forget their brothers and sisters in arms who have fallen in combat or have risked their lives on a mission. To join the group, you must have served for at least three years in a row and have been decorated on at least one UN or NATO mission. Since its creation, the Web site has received hundreds of e-mails from Canadian Forces Veterans in Canada and abroad. The group currently has more than 2,000 members and their families, who meet weekly across Canada to share their experiences with others and give and receive moral support to their comrades. The group holds four official events per year. Some members who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder rely on the Web site for strength, knowledge and support in their ongoing treatment and diagnosis. Mr. Beaudin also founded groups in France, Germany, Thailand, New Caledonia and French Polynesia.