Dingwell, Chad

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Glenn Miller

Lieutenant Dingwell spearheaded the campaign to establish a war memorial in the community of Fortune, Prince Edward Island. The cenotaph now stands in the center of the community for all residents and visitors to enjoy and reflect upon.

While serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force, attending university full time, and running two thriving businesses in the community, Chad Dingwell took the initiative to spearhead a campaign to establish a war memorial in the community of Fortune, Prince Edward Island. He gathered the names of those community members who served by searching through local church and community centre records and cross referencing them with government records to ensure no one was missed and that spellings were accurate. His work on this project also included canvassing local businesses to secure funding support, researching suitable cenotaph options and their associated costs, analyzing engraving options, answering numerous phone calls and emails, coordinating the delivery and placement of the cenotaph and working with municipal governments to ensure the acquisition and unveiling was executed properly.

Chad is known for his support of Veterans within the community.