Don McCumber

Mr. McCumber is a former commissioned officer in the Cadet Instructor List. He has been involved with the Canadian Cadet Organizations since 1961, and he is currently President of the Army Cadet League of Canada Ontario Branch. Previously, he was an Air Cadet for six years with 229 Squadron in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Mr. McCumber was promoted to Army Cadet Officer with 110 Corps in Yarmouth and was a Sea Cadet Officer with HMCS Howe in Peterborough, Ontario. While at a conference in Ottawa, Mr. McCumber attended the End of an Era ceremony which marked the 93rd Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and the death of the last Canadian First World War Veteran. After this ceremony he was moved to ensure that Vimy would be remembered forever by the Army Cadet League of Canada and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, and he worked to instigate Remembering Vimy. Mr. McCumber worked with several Veterans' organizations to ensure their support and cooperation with Remembering Vimy, which has started ceremonies and remembrance events across the country. He has been instrumental on the committee, which formed a new Cadet Corps in Brighton, Ontario and has held all positions at his local Royal Canadian Legion Branch including Legion Zone Commander F4. Mr. McCumber is a recipient of the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee Medals.