Donald McLeod

Colonel McLeod is a Canadian Forces Veteran. He is a past national president of the Air Force Association of Canada, having served on the National Executive Council for eight years and as president from 2003 to 2005. During this time, he led the Association in liaising with government agencies and organizations such as the Royal Canadian Legion, the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans Association, the Korea Veterans Association and the Merchant Navy Veterans Association. Mr. McLeod has chaired a committee to preserve the First World War hangars at CFB Borden, liaising with government to gain recognition of the facility as a National Historic Site. Mr. McLeod is an active participant in the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies held at the Halifax War Memorial. As well, he has participated in the Dartmouth Battle of Britain parade for the past 20 years and served as a reviewing officer at the national ceremonies held at the National Aviation Museum in Ottawa. He was the Commander of Maritime Air Group=s representative on the Committee for Shearwater Aviation and Space Museum dedicated to the preservation of the maritime aviation heritage. Mr. McLeod regularly speaks on Veterans' issues at functions sponsored across the country by the Royal Canadian Legion and Air Force Association sings. Colonel McLeod attended the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme and Beaumont-Hamel with Veterans Affairs Canada in 2006 as the representative of the Air Force Association of Canada.