Donald Pryer

Brigadier-General Donald Pryer joined the Primary Reserve in 1950 and his career over the next 55 years was one of remarkable achievement. He retired as Honorary Colonel of The Queen’s Own Rifles. Mr. Pryer continues to be very active as a member of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund and Chairman of the Regimental Senate. In 2004, he represented the Regiment at D-Day ceremonies in France and he was one of the driving forces behind the fundraising for the Juno Beach Centre. Mr. Pryer was one of the founders of Reserve 2000 and he has devoted considerable time and energy advancing the interests of Canada’s reservists. Among his many honours, he is Past President of the Canadian Infantry Association, Past Director of the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Governor of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires (Great Lakes) Division, former Chairman of the Conference of Defence Association and has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for 34 years.