Douglas Munro

Mr. Munro is a Canadian Forces Veteran. Thanks to his excellent research abilities and connections in the air defence community, he was one of the key organizers of reunions for the All Weather Fighter community. Recognizing that the many RCAF/CF members who paid the ultimate price during the Cold War had not officially been recognized, he co-chaired a committee to do just that. By the end of the project, 127 names were documented. The committee proceeded to raise money to create and dedicate a memorial to the lost members at the RCAF Memorial Museum in Trenton, Ontario. Mr. Munro has also helped to develop a Web site dedicated to the All Weather Fighter Association to keep members up to date on issues that are important to them. An active researcher, Mr. Munro is currently co-authoring an anecdotal history of Canada's Air Defence Squadrons, which should be released later this year. Mr. Munro is well-respected among his peers as someone who continually supports and advises the hundreds of retired members in the air defence community.