Edward Peter Salmon

Edward Peter Salmon is nominated for his excellent service with The Royal Canadian Legion.

He has been a member of the Grandview-Collingwood Branch 179 for over 40 years. He has sat as Chair of every committee, spent seven years as Treasurer of the branch, served as Second and First Vice President and then President of the branch for over 11 years.

During his lengthy tenure, he has initiated and/or been responsible for a number of financial programs. These include the Legion Veterans’ Housing program and project managing many major branch renovations. He has also been responsible for the financial management of the over $1,000,000 in annual bar sales. With his leadership, Branch 179 has been among the top financially secure Legions in the BC/Yukon Command.

The BC/Yukon Command showed great confidence in his abilities when they appointed him as probationary President for a branch in an effort to restore stability and viability to the branch. He also spearheaded the amalgamation two Legion branches.

Finally, he is responsible for the Commercial Drive Remembrance Service, which welcomes two to three thousand attendees each November 11. In the community, he has devoted time to the Air/Sea Cadets and other programs.