Edwin Findlater

Mr. Findlater is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. He continues to be active within The Royal Canadian Legion. He has held every position on the Executive including a six year term as President and for the past 12 years, has been the Branch's Service Officer. He has been the British Columbia and Yukon Chairman for the past 11 years and has served on the Command=s Administrative Committee. Mr. Findlater visits sick and infirmed Veterans and drives them as far away as Kelowna and Penticton for medical appointments. He has participated in the local school's Remembrance Day service for the past 20 years and for the past six years has led the local Remembrance Day service in his community. Mr. Findlater represents The Royal Canadian Legion on the province's Operational Stress Injury Stakeholder Advisory Committee and since 2005 has been a member of the Client Advisory Committee for Veterans Affairs. He is a founding member of a committee who is researching the feasibility of Veteran and Senior housing on Legion property in Okanagan Falls. Mr. Findlater was recently awarded the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award.