Eileen Powell

Mrs. Powell is a widow of a Second World War Veteran. She has always been interested in helping or taking care of others and became a registered nurse. Although her volunteer efforts are not solely related to Veterans, she is very involved with seniors' issues. Mrs. Powell has been an advocate for seniors and has served on many committees over the years, including the International Year of the Veteran Committee. In 2000, Mrs. Powell worked tirelessly for the Newfoundland and Labrador Pensioners and Seniors Federation and Atlantic Seniors. She travelled extensively throughout Western Newfoundland visiting seniors' organizations to hear their issues and concerns. Mrs. Powell has been recognized for her volunteer work with awards such as the SPACE Committee Award (Supporting People Assisting Concerned Elderly), 15-year pin as a volunteer with the Victorian Order of Nurses, International Youth Volunteer Award for Eastern Canada, and the Queen's Golden Jubilee.