Ernest Mulcahy

Mr. Ernest Mulcahy is a Second World War Veteran and retired Canadian Air Force Veteran. He has been actively involved with The Royal Canadian Legion and the Air Force Association of Canada for 35 and 49 years respectively, and continues to do so. Within the Legion, Mr. Mulcahy has been service officer, Branch president, zone commander and district commander. He is on the Board of Directors for Deer Lodge Hospital, a Life Member and a recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal in 2000. Within the Air Force Association, Mr. Mulcahy has served as wing president (Saskatoon), Saskatchewan Group president, wing president (Winnipeg), wing entertainment officer and has been Wing Service Officer from 2006 to the present. During his time with 602 Wing in Saskatoon, Mr. Mulcahy worked tirelessly on the development of a very successful club facility. Mr. Mulcahy was also an instructor in Winnipeg for the Air Cadets. As a result of his involvement with Veterans' organizations, as well as being a Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Mr. Mulcahy has earned a reputation as the man to go to for wise advice and for getting a job done.