Eugene MacDonald

Mr. Eugene McDonald served in the Canadian Merchant Navy during the Second World War from 1942 to 1945. He is a long time member of The Royal Canadian Legion in Montréal and has held the offices of secretary, treasurer and president at the Branch level. He joined the Canadian Merchant Navy Association in 1990 assuming the position of assistant treasurer at a time when the Association was growing with more Veterans lobbying the government for compensation. In April 1995, Mr. McDonald became treasurer, a position he continues to hold today. Mr. McDonald has represented the Association at commemorative services in Ottawa, Montréal, Halifax and at overseas events. He visits schools regularly sharing with youth his wartime experiences and explaining the role of the Canadian Merchant Navy in the Second World War. Mr. McDonald volunteers at Ste. Anne's Hospital bringing comfort to many residents. He is a member of the White Ensign Club in Montréal. Mr. McDonald is active in his community and is ready to assist and advise whenever needed to support Canadian Merchant Navy Veterans.