Evelyn Kelly

Lieutenant-Colonel Kelly served with 25 Toronto Medical Company, 32 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters and Land Forces Central Area Headquarters where she was recognized as a professional nurse, leader and teacher. Ms. Kelly is a tireless volunteer and advocate for Veterans. She is on the Board of Governors of the Corps of Commissionaires and past president of the Central Ontario Branch of the Defence Medical Association of Canada. Ms. Kelly is President of the Toronto Unit of the Nursing Sisters Association of Canada, as well as the association’s National Vice President. Ms. Kelly is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and has been branch secretary and service officer. She also speaks at schools across Ontario during Veterans’ Week. Ms. Kelly belongs to the Last Post Fund, where she has held the positions of president for the Ontario Branch, honourary treasurer, vice president West, and she is currently National President of the Last Post Fund. She spends much of her time speaking to Veterans’ organizations about the Last Post Fund and the funeral and burial program. Ms. Kelly visits seniors and Veterans as a pastoral visitor from her church.