Fiona Jasper

Mrs. Fiona Jasper is the spouse of Second World War Veteran, Russell Jasper, who also is a recipient of the Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation. Mrs. Jasper is an active member of Unit #2 of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada having served in numerous executive capacities since 1992 including Poppy Campaign chair, Casino Committee member and chair, Unit #2 2nd vice-president, 1st vice-president, secretary/treasurer, and two terms as president. She is currently the unit representative on Alberta's Provincial Command. Since 1994, Mrs. Jasper has worked very closely with the Ladies Auxiliary providing assistance in planning various events and functions. She is actively involved in organizing quarterly entertainment receptions for the Veterans residing at the Colonel Belcher Hospital. Along with other members of the Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Jasper has been the chairperson of the Calgary Poppy Fund with donations totalling more than $53,000 in 2008. Mrs. Jasper is the recipient of her association's Order for Service, which is their second highest award in Canada.