Frederick Doroshenko

London, Ontario

A veteran of the Second World War and of the Dieppe Raid, Mr. Doroshenko has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion for more than 50 years. Mr. Doroshenko is in demand as guest speaker to speak at local schools, on radio and television programs and with newspapers about his wartime experience. As his Legion's Branch Seniors Chairman and Service Officer, Mr. Doroshenko works diligently to promote the cause of seniors and assists veterans to access the benefits and services they so richly deserve. For the past 26 years, Mr. Doroshenko has been volunteering his time to the Parkwood Hospital, visiting comrades and raising funds to purchase furniture, a piano and a lift for veterans. As co-chair of the Byron Seniors Euchre Club, Mr. Doroshenko has donated the Club's leftover profits to support the veterans in the Branch, and recently channelled funds to repair the Branch's furnace and air conditioning units, and to purchase a new freezer and cover the cost of fencing around the Branch's property. Annual donations are also made to support the Byron Community Remembrance Day Service. A Past Executive Member of the London War Graves Committee, Mr. Doroshenko continues to work and to participate in annual remembrance ceremonies and helps organize the Branch's participation in the Annual Decoration Sunday Remembrance Service, placing nearly 2,000 poppies on the war graves at a local cemetery. Mr. Doroshenko channels much of his efforts and energy to assisting Veterans with their many needs and volunteers a great deal of his time within his community.