George Beaulieu

Sherbrooke, Quebec

Mr. Beaulieu is a retired fire chief. In 1965, he joined Unit 318 of the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, also known as ANAVETS, where he has held a number of executive positions, including those of secretary, treasurer, bar chairperson and president. In 2004, Mr. Beaulieu was elected Dominion Command vice-president of ANAVETS and also became the finance chairperson and an executive management committee member. In 2012, he was elected Dominion Command president. Mr. Beaulieu currently serves as the membership chairperson of Unit 318, which entails being the unit’s contact person for the First Lennoxville Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and being in charge of the men’s catering kitchen. In addition to this work, he is the lead and the main organizer of Unit 318’s annual Remembrance Day parade and service at the Lennoxville cenotaph. Mr. Beaulieu continues to be an active member of many other organizations such as the Lennoxville Residents’ Association, and the Board of Directors of the Lennoxville Volunteer Firefighters Association Incorporated.