George McPhee

Louisdale, Nova Scotia

Mr. McPhee is a retired Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veteran, having served in Canada and abroad for 26 years. Mr. McPhee joined The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) in 1993 and continues to be a very active member. He has held the Branch positions of first vice president, sergeant at arms, and he is currently a Service Officer, where he assists Veterans and their dependents with pension applications. He assists the local Lions Club with their “Meals on Wheels” program by delivering these meals to Veterans and seniors. He also often provides transportation and accompanies Veterans to medical appointments. Mr. McPhee coordinated with other volunteers and offered free labour to his RCL Branch in order for extensive renovations to be made. It is estimated Mr. McPhee, along with his team of volunteers, saved the Branch $240,000 in labour costs. He is also responsible for having a cenotaph erected in the community of Louisdale. For his contributions to the Veteran community, Mr. McPhee has been recognized as Legionnaire of the Year, has been awarded the Legion Service Medal and the 2012 Century of Service Veterans’ Honorary Medallion.