George W. Stetina

Mr. Stetina is a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veteran and National Defence employee with 402 Squadron in Winnipeg. Sixteen years ago, he began providing Christmas presents to Veterans living at the Deer Lodge Centre by soliciting local merchants to donate items or help fundraise. In 2008, when the number of Veterans on his list swelled to more than 75, he enlisted the support of CAF personnel at 17 Wing Winnipeg and created the“Adopt-a-Vet” program. Through this well-received, community-based initiative, CAF members and other groups are invited to adopt and provide for a Veteran in need at Christmas. By working closely with the Centre’s Director of Recreation Program and Services, who provides a customized Santa wish list for each Veteran, Mr. Stetina ensures the suitability of gifts, personal toiletries, socks and pyjamas. The program, for which he continues to serve as program coordinator, now fulfills the wishes of more than 166 Veterans annually, bringing with it the spirit of the season.