George Wesley Grant

Mr. George Wesley Grant is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. He became a member of his local Royal Canadian Legion in 2005, and has sat on the executive for many years, including serving as sergeant-at-arms, zone service officer and, for multiple years, as president. Currently, Mr. Grant is his Legion’s Service Officer, a role he has been in for the past 10 years. As Service Officer, he has worked tirelessly, assisting many Veterans with their benefits requests. Mr. Grant also makes a weekly visit to Veterans at the Soldiers Memorial Hospital, in Middleton, bringing cards for special occasions, organizing celebrations, and taking time to visit with them. Mr. Grant has arranged for several memorial services to take place and has thoughtfully arranged for the service to be situated where Veterans in the hospital, who are unable to attend, can look out their windows and observe the proceedings. He has also been heavily involved with the organization of many commemorative ceremonies, including Remembrance Day ceremonies. Mr. Grant has been very active with the Poppy Fund and makes multiple visits every year to a local school.