Gerald Walter Flower

Vancouver, British Columbia

Mr. Flower is a Veteran of the Second World War. He was a Tail Gunner when he was shot down over Europe, and spent the remainder of the war as a Prisoner of War. Born in Dublin, Ireland, and immigrating to Canada in 1956, Mr. Flower joined the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) to continue his life-long volunteering career. He has been an active member of Grandview Lodge Branch 179 for many years and has held various positions on the executive, including President. Mr. Flower has also chaired the Poppy, Publicity, Remembrance Day, and Ways and Means committees. He has served as Service Officer, Parade Marshall, and Honour Guard for RCL funerals, and regularly visited the George Derby Veterans Care Centre. Mr. Flower was the editor of the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book and publisher of Branch 179’s newsletter. He was the Director and founding member of the Grandview Legion Housing Society. Mr. Flower has also been a member of the Vancouver/Burnaby Zone of the RCL. During Veterans’ Week, Mr. Flower distributes poppies and visits schools to share his experiences in the Second World War, as both a Tail Gunner and as a Prisoner of War.