Gerard Ratchford

Mr. Ratchford is a Merchant Navy Veteran, a Korea War Veteran and a Canadian Forces Veteran. He is an active member of the Korea Veterans Association, Unit 27, where he held the positions of sergeant-at-arms, vice-president, president, as well as sergeant-at-arms of the Pacific Region. He is the Sergeant-at-Arms for the MCpl Mark Isfeld Memorial Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping. Mr. Ratchford organizes attendance at the annual candlelight ceremonies held at the God’s Acre Cemetery and on Remembrance Day. From 1972 to 1993, Mr. Ratchford was a cadet instructor. He works with the cadets on citizenship training. In addition to the numerous honours and awards Mr. Ratchford received during his military service, he is the recipient of Korea Veterans Association medals, the Canada 125 Medal, and the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal.