Gérard Renaud

Mr. Renaud is a Veteran of the Second World War. He is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, where he has been Service Officer for a number of years, as well as having served in a number of executive positions. He has participated in the Poppy Campaign and served as its president numerous times. At the request of the Navy Museum in Ottawa, he collected photographs of all of the historic and military monuments in his region. Mr. Renaud was also part of a team of Veterans engaged in the Memory Project. For six years, they visited schools to commemorate the participation of Veterans in the Second World War, the Korean War and peacekeeping. Mr. Renaud helps Veterans receive their benefits and also visits Veterans in assisted living homes. He has organized ceremonies for Veterans who assisted in the liberation of the Netherlands and for Veterans who participated in peacekeeping missions. For several years, he was responsible for the annual ceremony, in Valleyfield, where families place a wreath of poppies on the tombstones of fallen Canadians.