Gilles Courteau

Mr. Gilles Courteau is the Commissioner of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League and, over the past few years, he has demonstrated an exceptional devotion to honouring the achievements and sacrifices of Canada's Veterans. In 2010, he announced that the League would commemorate Veterans Week for a sixth consecutive yea—a tradition that is similar to the Memorial Cup, which honours young hockey players who gave their lives in the service of Canada during the First World War. Whether it is through ceremonial puck drops or pre game commemorative events, the League recognizes the significant contribution of former members of the Canadian Forces and invites Veterans to participate in the events on the ice with the hockey players. The ceremonies are held in collaboration with various teams from the entire League, which ensures the widespread recognition of Veterans' contributions to maintaining peace and freedom. Due to Mr. Courteau's dedicated work in involving the League in Veterans' Week, people of all ages and from all regions of Quebec are encouraged to take part in the remembrance of Canada=s Veterans.