Gilles LeVasseur C.D.

Ottawa, Ontario

Mr. Gilles LeVasseur has been a volunteer with the Veteran community for the past 30 years.

For the past 22 years, Mr. LeVasseur has been bringing Veterans to Remembrance Day events held at Beechwood Cemetery and taking care of them throughout the day. He also ensures they are guests at the Château Laurier reception for Veterans.

He was a Director on the Board of Directors for the Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre Foundation for two terms. He was actively involved in fundraising events in support of Veterans, including a wall honouring those who served in the Second World War, which allowed private businesses to financially support activities of the Veterans’ programs at the residence. Thousands of dollars have been raised in support of the long-term care of Veterans.

He has published a book on the Battle of Vimy Ridge in both official languages to be distributed to schools across Canada, and a second book will be published shortly that summarizes Canada’s battles during the First World War. He also assists Veterans by providing them with information about programs, health benefits and social activities and by making sure they receive the help they need. He participated in organizing events at the French Embassy to collect funds at the “Vimy Reception” to support fundraising efforts for the new Visitor Education Centre at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial and to fund the education program.

During Veterans’ Week, he can be seen giving presentations, speaking at educational institutions, and visiting schools and communities to provide a better understanding of the contributions of Veterans to Canadian history.