Gordon King

Mr. Gordon King is a Second World War Veteran and former POW. In the 1950s, while residing in Winnipeg, a group of Veterans formed an Ex-POW Association of which Mr. King belonged. Upon moving to Edmonton in 1965, Mr. King began contacting fellow ex-prisoners of war, and together they formed the Edmonton Branch Ex-POW Association, of which Mr. King currently serves as President. The Edmonton Branch assisted the Calgary Branch, who in 1983, sponsored an international reunion of former POWs from all Commonwealth countries. Considered to be an excellent leader, Mr. King has organized monthly meetings and social occasions for his membership. In recent years, he has had to devote more attention to the well-being of Veterans and their families, arranging for hospital and home visits. The need to help his comrades increases as time goes by, and he does not lack the energy to lend a helping hand whenever needed. Mr. King continually demonstrates compassion toward his fellow Veterans and their families by keeping in touch in between monthly meetings and luncheons.