Gurdev Singh Grewal

Mr. Grewal is a Veteran of the Second World War who served in Burma with the Indian Army. He has been an active member of The Royal Canadian Legion No. 10 in Nanaimo for 18 years and Legion No. 6 in Surrey, British Columbia for the past four years. As the Vice-President of the Ex-Servicemen's Society, he assists Veterans within the Indo-Canadian Community by providing them with advice and information on pensions, employment opportunities, language barriers and discrimination issues. Through this society, Mr. Grewal helped Veterans acquire work throughout the Greater Vancouver Region. Mr. Grewal participates in all parades and Remembrance Day ceremonies. He has been active in community workshops, striving to promote dialogue and dispute resolution. Mr. Grewal's devotion to the community extends to helping out with a range of issues. As a result of his lobbying efforts, Mr. Grewal succeeded in getting Surrey City Council to establish a Senior's Centre in Bear Creek Park. Mr. Grewal is a true mentor, who continues to exhibit an ongoing zeal for ensuring that Surrey is a better place to live and for enhancing the quality of life of Seniors and Veterans alike.