Harold Wright

Saint John, New Brunswick

Mr. Wright is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran having served with the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and with the Primary Reserve and Cadet Instructor Cadre. Passionate about remembrance, he has fulfilled more than 400 speaking engagements on military and Veteran-related topics at schools and other public venues since 1979. He is also a member of the Historica-Dominion Institute’s Speakers Bureau. Mr. Wright was responsible for raising funds to erect a community cenotaph commemorating local Veterans from the First and Second World Wars. He also authored a book, entitled “Fortress Saint John - An Illustrated Military History, 1640-1985,” and has written numerous articles for magazines and newspapers about Saint John’s Veterans from the South African War to the Korean War. Mr. Wright is past president of the Loyal Company of the Royal Canadian Artillery Association, director of the Turnbull (NB) Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society and secretary of the Friends of the New Brunswick Military History Museum. He is currently assisting students at Simonds High School with the composition of biographies on the almost 300 men and women buried in Fernhill Cemetery’s Field of Honour. Mr. Wright is also spearheading efforts to recover remains of two Royal Canadian Air Force crew killed in New Brunswick at the beginning of the Second World War and working on a project to take students to England for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.