Harry Moon

Mr. Moon has been an important and valuable volunteer on behalf of Veterans for many years. He is a volunteer tour guide at the Canadian Military Education Centre where he conducts tours for the general public, school children, and dignitaries while explaining the exhibits in detail. Mr. Moon is the longtime president of the Western Command Military Vehicle Historical Society, which promotes remembrance. He has been an unwavering supporter of the Abbotsford, Vancouver, George Derby Centre, and Burnaby Heritage Museum commemorative events. Mr. Moon is a longtime past president of the Historical Arms Collectors Society. He is also a volunteer at Fort Rodd Hill National Park in Victoria where he travels by ferry with his collection of military vehicles to be displayed several times a year in support of the Park's initiatives. Mr. Moon has been instrumental in organizing and participating in the Freedom Route Tour. This is a tour of antique military vehicles which travels local Royal Canadian Legion branches promoting remembrance and commemoration.