Harvey P. Friesen

Winkler, Manitoba

After the Second World War, Mr. Harvey Friesen returned to his home in Winkler, Manitoba, where he worked with his comrades to establish a local Legion Branch. The Branch relinquished its charter in 1951, but Mr. Friesen maintained his connection to the Legion with Morden Branch 11. He now has 50 years of service with the Legion and was awarded Life Membership in 2004. Mr. Friesen always has the best interest of the Legion and Veterans' welfare foremost in his mind and he has demonstrated his commitment to fellow comrades, representing the Legion in an extremely positive and proud manner. Mr. Friesen has lobbied tirelessly for the erection of a Memorial Cenotaph in Winkler. His efforts were rewarded in 1999 when the Town Council agreed to the project. Mr. Friesen has also lobbied the Government for recognition of those Veterans who were exposed to and injured in, mustard gas experiments during the Second World War. Again, Mr. Friesen's advocacy was rewarded when the Government announced compensation for these Veterans in 2004. Mr. Friesen is well respected and admired by his community.