Helen Bolton-Guy

Montréal, Quebec

Ms. Helen Bolton-Guy, who served in the Reserve Army, is also the daughter of a Second World War Veteran and sister of two retired Canadian Forces Veterans. She is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Black Watch Pipes and Drums. In 1964, Ms. Bolton-Guy's family moved to Benny Farm, a well-known residence in Montréal for many Canadian Veterans. Ms. Bolton-Guy continues to reside at Benny Farm where she is primary caregiver to her 90-year-old mother. For more than 35 years, she has been the President of the Benny Farm Tenants Association. Ms. Bolton-Guy is an advocate for the Veterans, ensuring that their voice of concern regarding the availability of affordable housing was heard. She was an advocate for improving apartment designs and rallying for modifications that met the needs of the elderly and handicapped residents. In addition, Ms. Bolton-Guy was instrumental in the negotiations to have a garden installed on the premises and she ensured that Canada Post placed a mailbox outside the apartments for the convenience of elderly Veterans. She continues to organize recreational activities for residents and she also arranges annual, on-site flu vaccinations. During the 1998 Ice Storm, Ms. Bolton-Guy ensured measures were taken for the provision of heat, food and water for the tenants. Her commitment to improving the well-being of Veterans and their families continues, as does her respect and admiration for Canada's Veterans.