Herbert Wells (Posthumous)

A Veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy in the Second World War, who was severely wounded in action, Mr. Wells was a well-known author in Newfoundland, known for his outstanding written contributions in preserving both pre- and post- Confederation Newfoundland history and his detailed accounts of the life of the Newfoundland people. He was most particularly known for his personal contribution to the well-being and proper recognition of the legacy of all Newfoundland Veterans of the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War. During his lifetime, he wrote several books including "Under the White Ensign" and "Comrades in Arms". Both of these books were on the Second World War - the first, a history of the Newfoundland Seaman and the second, a history of Newfoundlanders in action. Mr. Wells provided a great service to Newfoundland Veterans of all wars, by ensuring that their tremendous sacrifice and extraordinary contributions would never fade from our collective memory. Mr. Wells was the recipient of several awards in recognition of his outstanding service to Veterans and to the community, including the Centennial Medal in 1967 and the Queen's Medal in 1977.