Herman Laurence Barkemeyer

Mr. Barkemeyer is a Veteran of the Korean War. He has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion for 45 years and, as his local branch’s service officer, he has assisted Veterans and widows with collecting documentation for disability pension and Veterans Independence Program applications. Mr. Barkemeyer’s dedication to supporting Veterans is exemplified through his volunteer work, which includes driving Veterans to Edmonton for medical appointments, delivering flower and fruit baskets to hospitalized Veterans, and assisting with serving birthday cake and ice cream to 50 residents at the continuing care centre’s monthly birthday party. Mr. Barkemeyer also helps to cook breakfast once a month for 25 men and is on the Field of Honour Committee, which takes care of the centre’s grounds. He is actively involved with the Poppy and Remembrance Committee, and the Air Cadets Committee. On an annual basis, he helps to organize a Veterans’ dinner and evening to socialize, and delivers 40 gift baskets to Veterans before Christmas.