Howard C. Eames

Mr. Eames has served as a member and Chairman of the local Sick and Visiting Committee for the past six years. In the conduct of his duties, he makes weekly visits to Veterans who are in hospital and their spouses, Veterans in extended care facilities and those who are confined to their homes. During these regular visits, Mr. Eames supplies a great deal of reading material to the Veterans and reads to many of the people he visits. It is estimated that over the six-year period, Mr. Eames has made more than 5,000 visits. Mr. Eames is very much interested in the well-being of Veterans and helps them on a regular basis, making contact with their Service Officers to assist them with their needs. Mr. Eames leases two municipal garden lots on which he grows vegetables. The greater part of the produce raised in these gardens is either given to the people he visits, or traded in for donations to the Veterans Assistance Society. In addition to his devotion to the well-being of Veterans and their families, Mr. Eames keeps a record of the out-of-town Legion members, and posts news of their condition in the monthly Bulletin of the Chief and Petty Officers' Veterans Assistance Society of Victoria. Mr. Eames is known by local Veterans for his acute concern for their welfare and for his great sense of humour.