Hugh MacKenzie

Mr. MacKenzie is a Veteran of the Korean War. He assisted in the organization of the Korea Veterans Association (KVA) Unit 17, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As Secretary of Unit 17, Mr. MacKenzie's fundraising efforts helped to build a memorial in Brookside Cemetery commemorating the 49 Manitobans who lost their lives in Canada and Korea during the War. In 2003, as the Unit President, with his Vice-President Bob Nisbet, Mr. MacKenzie raised funds for a stained glass memorial window to be placed at Deer Lodge Centre and made arrangements for the Minister of Veterans Affairs to unveil the window. He has organized a candlelight ceremony which is held on July 27th, the date of the Korea ceasefire. Mr. MacKenzie promotes remembrance by organizing the annual Veterans Memorial Service in May and the annual Remembrance Day Ceremony. He has volunteered his time with the Scouts and Cubs as a district commissioner. Today, Mr. MacKenzie continues to serve as a Veteran representative on the board of directors at Deer Lodge Centre.