J. Murray McCann

Calgary, Alberta

During a visit to Menlo, Georgia, USA, Mr. McCann was moved to see that the community commemorated its fallen soldiers by erecting individual crosses. When he returned home to Canada, he discussed the idea with a colleague at the Calgary Poppy Fund office to similarly commemorate Canadians who had lost their lives in service to the country. From these discussions, the Field of Crosses Memorial Project honouring Southern Alberta War Veterans was formed. It started in 2009, with the placement of 500 crosses in a park on Memorial Drive, across the river from downtown Calgary. To date, there are over 3,000 crosses bearing the names of those who served and gave their lives. Under Mr. McCann’s leadership and recruitment of volunteers, this project has raised the profile of remembrance in his community. Mr. McCann and his family, through the McCann Foundation, provide all funding for this project and, in return, they simply ask that we remember those who have made the supreme sacrifice. Mr. McCann’s commitment to remembrance is evident again each day from November 1 to 11, as he coordinates a flag raising and lowering ceremony.