Jack Hetherington

London, Ontario

Mr. Hetherington has been a dedicated member of The Royal Canadian Legion for nearly 30 years. During this time, Mr. Hetherington has held numerous positions on the Executive, as well as having worked on the annual Poppy Fund. He has organized fundraising activities when the Branch fell on difficult financial times. Mr. Hetherington is deeply committed to the Veterans and staff at Parkwood Hospital. For more than 27 years, he has been making weekly visits to Parkwood and generously offers to run errands for those confined to the hospital. Mr. Hetherington assists with the Parkwood Hospital's Remembrance Day Service and arranges for bus trips to ensure Veterans can visit the local cenotaph. To add to an already busy schedule, Mr. Hetherington helps Veterans Affairs Canada with local Veterans' Week events, participates in bi-annual memorial services, coordinates annual Warrior's Day events and arranges for a Veteran's luncheon at the Western Fair. Mr. Hetherington energy and enthusiasm is much appreciated by the Veteran community in London.