Jacqueline Walter

Fenelon Falls, Ontario

Mrs. Walter is a dedicated and long-serving member of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL). She has held numerous positions on the executive, including seven terms as branch president, though "her baby," as Mrs. Walter says, is her position as Service Officer. She has held this position at the branch level continuously since 1994, at the zone level from 1997 to 1999, and at the district level from 2003 to the present. The District comprises 53 RCL branches. She takes excellent care of the Veterans and their dependents who seek assistance and goes out of her way to ensure every avenue of possibility had been exhausted for a favourable decision. Mrs. Walter personally hand delivers fruit baskets to Veterans each Christmas and when a Veteran passes on, Mrs. Walter's eulogies at the Legion service show evidence of her compassion and respect. She organizes the annual placement of 400 white crosses, each topped with a flag, on the graves of all Veterans at the local cemetery. Mrs. Walter also works with the RCL's "Sick & Visiting" committee, is a Life Member of the RCL, and in 2008, received the Meritorious Service Medal.