Jarrott Holtzhauer

Ottawa, Ontario

Mr. Holtzhauer is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. Upon his retirement in 1990, he took on the role of president of the Friends of the Canadian War Museum and currently serves as its director, raising funds for projects which commemorate service personnel. Mr. Holtzhauer is an avid participant at commemorative events held in the Ottawa area. He has also travelled to France as part of a Government of Canada delegation, led by Veterans Affairs Canada, to honour the contributions and sacrifices of Canadians there, visiting military cemeteries and participating in remembrance activities. Mr. Holtzhauer is also currently serving as the Vice-President of the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada, having previously held the position of director of Policy and Procedures. Through this group, he has diligently advocated for benefits on behalf of Korean War Veterans. Mr. Holtzhauer also serves on the executive of a number of Veterans' organizations that are dedicated to ensuring the welfare and quality of life of Veterans and their families.