Jason Earl Trenholm

Jason Earl Trenholm is Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces having served for 20 years. He is nominated for his dedication to helping Veterans as a member of The Royal Canadian Legion.

He joined the Legion Branch 108, Leduc, Alberta in 2014. He has marched in colour parties, helped with the branch renovations, designed the new memorial wall, and assists with day-to-day maintenance tasks.

In 2016, he became the Cadet and Community Liaison and has organized the Canada Day parade for three years. He was named Branch President in 2016. He organized Veterans’ dinners and Legion award banquets and has also led Remembrance Day events. He organized the local cenotaph’s rededication, repair of the branch’s cenotaph, and fundraised to save a local warplane on display.

To promote greater awareness of mental health challenges faced by the military and first-responders, he organized a mental health First Aid course. He is also one of the founders of the All Services Kinship group (ASK) to help Veterans and first responders build a support network of peers.

He became Service Officer after his term as President. He visits Veterans in their homes, seeks out Veterans in need, continues to advocate for better care and assists with the everyday benefit applications. Recently, he helped two at-risk Veterans get on their feet through his diligent work.