Jean Cauchy

Mr. Jean Cauchy is a Veteran of the Second World War. He has been an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 12 in Lévis since 1959. He has participated in its poppy campaigns, Veterans Week activities and has served as master of ceremonies at its annual Remembrance Day events. Mr. Cauchy is also dedicated to encouraging remembrance among youth and each year on Remembrance Day, he visits schools in Lévis to share his personal wartime experiences and to promote the contributions and sacrifices of his fellow Veterans. Mr. Cauchy is committed to improving the well being of Veterans in his community. He has helped numerous Veterans receive pensions and benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada and regularly visits Veterans who are hospitalized in Québec and Montréal. He is the Director General of the "Cœurs battants" [beating hearts] Veterans' group, which helps its Veteran members stay fit by meeting twice a week for physical conditioning with a personal trainer, and he is also a devoted volunteer with the Red Cross.