Jean Miso

Toronto, Ontario

Mrs. Miso is an incredibly motivated Canadian whose daily deeds support and promote Veterans and their work. She has written two books entitled We’ll Never Forget and Their Duty, Our Pride. These books pay tribute to the heroic deeds of Canadian Veterans from all conflicts - the First World War to Afghanistan. In addition, they explain the roles of service personnel, promoting national patriotism and support for current serving military and Veterans. Proceeds from her books are directed to various Veteran interests including the Poppy Fund and Military Family Resource Centres. They have also been used toward the purchase of a monument for Hill 70 in France, 20 bricks at the Juno Beach Centre and the construction of the John McCrae statue in Ottawa. As a music teacher, Mrs. Miso has organized Remembrance Day ceremonies at her schools for 27 years, and she wrote and performed the song We’ll Never Forget. She also performed the song daily during her participation in Operation HUSKY 2013 in Italy, a 320-kilometre march honouring soldiers who fought and died in Sicily. Mrs. Miso regularly promotes Canadian Veterans in public venues including Global News, CBC radio and television, City TV and Rogers TV. In addition, she also commits to visiting Veterans on a weekly basis.