Jenny Michelle Konkin

Jenny Konkin is nominated for her work with the charity Whole Way House and the Veterans Memorial Housing Society.

She is the president and founder of Whole Way House, a registered charity devoted to the wellbeing and safety of marginalized and at-risk seniors with a focus on Veterans. Since founding the charity, she has directed much of her organization’s efforts to support the Veterans Manor which is home for 133 Veterans and seniors at risk of homelessness. She has helped create a supportive community for vulnerable residents through programs, activities and support services. Her efforts have vastly improved the residents’ mental health, physical safety and sense of worth and dignity.

She leads a program that offers free hot meals to the residents of Veterans Manor to help reduce the sense of isolation, and to provide companionship, care and respect. The charity also helps with transportation to medical appointments, shopping and social activities as well as providing many other daily supports that contribute to the quality of life of local Veterans.

She is full of compassion and is passionate in her advocacy for improving the quality of life of senior Veterans. She works tirelessly with other organizations around the city to ensure that programs and support services are in place for the most vulnerable so they can stay safe and comfortable in their own homes. She has truly made a significant contribution to the wellbeing of the Veterans of the community.