Jill Alm

Edmonton, Alberta

Jill Alm is nominated for her decades of work and dedication towards Edmonton’s Butterdome Remembrance Day ceremonies.

For years, she has been the chief administrator and the driving force behind the Remembrance Day ceremony where more than 8,000 people attend annually. She was responsible for coordinating up and running the pre-event organizational meetings. In addition to her planning, she maintained databases, drafted correspondence and reached out via email or telephone to countless participants. She also took her time to liaise with the Edmonton Poppy Fund and actively canvassed organizations to remind them to order their wreaths, which is a major fundraiser for the Poppy Fund.

She not only worked behind the scenes but also on the day of the event. She was front and center ensuring that well over 100 wreath-layers knew where to be and when to be there. She continuously coordinated a review of the service and refined the preparations over the years. Her commitment and dedication was instrumental in keeping the core cadre of stakeholders together for over eight years and making this event a success.