Joe Sharpe

Orleans, Ontario

BGen Sharpe is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran and a leader on matters relating to the support and well-being of Veterans and their families. Mr. Sharpe volunteered his assistance to the Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Advisory Committee in its early days. He was a co-author of a detailed eight-page article on OSISS which appeared in the Canadian Military Journal. He served as deputy chair and chair of the VAC-DND-RCMP Mental Health Advisory Committee in 2009-2010. Mr. Sharpe was also a member of the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group and is currently an advisor on the newly established Veterans Affairs Canada Stakeholder Committee. Mr. Sharpe served for six years as the honorary colonel for the Canadian Armed Forces School of Aerospace Studies and he is currently Colonel Commandant of the Canadian Armed Forces’ Military Police Branch. Mr. Sharpe is an articulate spokesperson who demonstrates strong ethics when working with Veterans Affairs Canada and Veterans’ organizations to support the cause of Veterans.