Joey Bleviss

Mr. Joey Bleviss has promoted remembrance for over 30 years, during which he has chaired the Poppy Campaign several times. For eight years he successfully managed the Royal Canadian Legion Calgary Branches Poppy Office and Canada’s only Veterans Food Bank. Besides food, they also supply scooters, walkers, and other aids for Veterans. Mr. Bleviss is active in fundraising and participates in weekly fundraisers in Calgary.

He also helps with the Calgary Field of Crosses, displayed every year during Veterans’ Week on a section of land adjacent to Memorial Drive. The Field of Crosses is a program that erects a white cross with the name of a Calgarian who has made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in Canada’s military. The crosses are displayed in rows similar to the grave markers in Canadian overseas cemeteries.

He also gives his time to attend events and speak about the importance of Remembrance Day at schools, hospitals and the Calgary Airport.