John Babcock

The last known First World War Veteran who served Canada, Mr. John Babcock, is an ambassador for all those who served in the "Great War." Born on July 23, 1900, Mr. Babcock grew up on a farm near Kingston, Ontario. He was 15 years old when he joined the 146th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in Sydenham, Ontario. A few months later he arrived in England. He was transferred to reserve battalions and ended up with the Boys Battalion in 1917, waiting until he turned 18 to go to the front lines. The war ended first. He credits his military training for instilling in him the values of discipline and honesty.

Mr. Babcock lives with his wife, Dorothy, in Spokane, Washington. He has been much sought after in recent years by the media given his participation in the First World War. Generous of his time, he has always made himself available for media interviews. Mr. Babcock's contribution to our collective understanding of the First World War experience is immeasurable. He is well known across Canada and the United States for his energy, which he also credits to his training in the army, his humour and story-telling. He has shared his experience with youth in schools, to ensure that the contribution of those who served their country is remembered for all time. Mr. Babcock is our last personal connection to a remarkable generation of Canadian heroes.